Monday, February 26, 2007

I guess this blog of mine has kinda turned into a running journal of sorts. I'm sure I'll talk about other stuff now and then but right now this is the only half way exciting - well that's probably not the right word, thing that is going on in my life right now. So today we went for a run. It was a rough day. I read Diane's blog about how sometimes running is painful and other times its a pleasure. Well, today it was a painful one. It started out feeling pretty good but as we kept going it got harder and harder. I just know we've got to keep pressing on. I'm getting excited and nervous about the 5k. I hope we will be able to be consistent in our running until then. I don't mean to sound so down. I really am enjoying getting excercise and espically since I get to do it with Mike. It's always nice to have a running buddy. :) So thanks for being my running buddy babe! :)

Yeah....we're hot. ;)


Andrea said...

Marla, you're awesome! I just wanted you to know that.

Suzy O. said...

I would call it more attempting intervals than really doing it. I'm still not very fast at all I would be very happy with a 30 minute time.

Suzy O. said...

I'm wrong. The deadline is March 16th not March 6th. It was a misprint on the registration page. Then when I saw it was $16 I thought for sure that must be with a $5 fee but it is not. I don't know if Jake is going to run or not.