Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, running is not going so good these days. The last time we really ran was 2 weeks ago. We did take a walk to the park on sunday and ran for like 3 minutes. Whoo hoo. It's been cold and we've been sick. I'm ready for health and warm weather or a treadmill. Which ever comes first. I'm afraid that we won't be ready for our April 1st 5k. Hopefully, next week we'll all be well and the weather will be nicer so we can get out there and get back to running. So we dont look like dorks for our 5k.

1 comment:

Suzy O. said...

The weather next week is supposed to be beautiful. I’m looking forward to some 50 degree days. So don’t get discouraged get out there go running, have fun, and press on.