Monday, February 26, 2007

I guess this blog of mine has kinda turned into a running journal of sorts. I'm sure I'll talk about other stuff now and then but right now this is the only half way exciting - well that's probably not the right word, thing that is going on in my life right now. So today we went for a run. It was a rough day. I read Diane's blog about how sometimes running is painful and other times its a pleasure. Well, today it was a painful one. It started out feeling pretty good but as we kept going it got harder and harder. I just know we've got to keep pressing on. I'm getting excited and nervous about the 5k. I hope we will be able to be consistent in our running until then. I don't mean to sound so down. I really am enjoying getting excercise and espically since I get to do it with Mike. It's always nice to have a running buddy. :) So thanks for being my running buddy babe! :)

Yeah....we're hot. ;)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back in the saddle again....
Thanks to the awesome weather, we've been able to get some runs in this week. And planning for another tomorrow. It's so much more motivating to get out and run when the weather is as nice as it is as compared to last week when it was freezing cold with snow on the ground. I'm hoping this nice weather sticks around for a while. There are only a little over 5 weeks left till the 5k. I hope we'll be ready. I think we will be. In other news....what is going on with Britney Spears? Is she on crack? Probably. Why would you shave your head?! Being on crack is the only reason I could think of. She needs help - and the Lord. I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, running is not going so good these days. The last time we really ran was 2 weeks ago. We did take a walk to the park on sunday and ran for like 3 minutes. Whoo hoo. It's been cold and we've been sick. I'm ready for health and warm weather or a treadmill. Which ever comes first. I'm afraid that we won't be ready for our April 1st 5k. Hopefully, next week we'll all be well and the weather will be nicer so we can get out there and get back to running. So we dont look like dorks for our 5k.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Running Update....
Well it's going pretty good. The only problem has been the weather. It has been stinkin' cold here! Let me preface that by saying, it is cold here for St. Louis. It is not cold compared to Wisconsin, Kansas, or Antarica. We are going to run again tomorrow and the high is only supposed to be 20. Guess we'll just have to bundle up. A friend of mine wants me to run in a 3 mile race next Saturday. I don't know if I should because so far I've only run for 9 minutes and that is not without stopping. I could do it because there is nothing against walking but I am afraid I will push myself too hard and then be all sore for days afterward, which in turn will make me not want to keep up with my running regimen. And besides all that there is no free t shirt involved with this one. :( Boo. I mean that's why I'm doing this, to for the free shirts. :)