Thursday, March 23, 2006

Well, Madison has gotten into telling knock-knock jokes. She gets a real kick out of them. Here's how a typical one would go.
Madison: "Knock Knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Madison: "Tree"
Me: "Tree who?"
Madison: "Tree knock, knock on the door....get it?!?!"
Followed by her dying laughing. I know what you're thinking, "I don't get it..." Well, I don't either, but in the mind of a 4 yr old it must be pretty darn funny. We'll have to work on them a little I think. If anyone knows of any good knock knock jokes, please feel free to pass them on so maybe I can laugh for real next time she tells one. :)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Well yeah I haven't updated this thing in a while. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to blog about. So tonight I will share with you a funny story about our daughter Madison. We were sitting at the table eating breakfast together when she tooted (that's our family's word for fart, flatulence, fluff, whatever you want to call it). I looked up at her and she smiled real big and giggled and said "That was me." Over the next few minutes she sat there and continued tooting and laughing and each time saying "That was me..." Hilarious. We'll chalk that one up to the Coumerilh genes. The End.