Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It' been forever, I know. Here's a quick update as to what is going on in our lives.
Me: Well, I just started watching 2 little boys Mon-Fri in the afternoon. Our house has been turned upside down and I have now decided that I am fine with only ever having girls. Play practice has been going great. I have all my lines memorized, my english accent is coming along and I got all the stuff to make my costume on sunday. I'm very excited about it. I'll post picts when its finished.
Mike: Still working and doing the school thing. He figured out yesterday that he still has a year left before he can graduate. Grr.
Madison: 4 1/2 going on 16. She loves to dance and do her bella dancerella thing that my best friend got for her. She can be very emotional and dramatic at times. She loves school and comes home talking about the boys in her class more often than not...what to do about that? She is also very excited that Kaitlyn is somewhat closer and cant wait till she can have a sleepover with her.
Riley: Is WALKING! Yes folks walking is now her major mode of transportation. She thinks she's big stuff. She loves to "talk" and now her new thing is screaming. If she's happy she screams, if she's frustrated she screams, if she's bored - screams, anytime for any reason, you got it - screams.
Anywhoo...thats my life in a nut shell as of right now. Exciting I know. But life is good. Until next time.....

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wow. It's been forever since I posted. That's mostly because I spend most of my time on my MySpace.
www.myspace.com/marlamaples03. If you're out there and don't have one - get one! It's awesome. Anywhooo, speaking of myspace I had a young mom here in st. charles leave me a message on there inviting me to come to this mom's/play group that she does. I don't know whether or not I should go. I don't think this lady is a christian or any other of the moms in the group for that matter. She also said in her message that they have mom's night out too which sometimes includes dancing (and I'm sure drinking too). SO....do i see this as an opportunity to show Christ's love to these people OR do I not go because I have nothing in common with them besides the fact that I have kids and won't feel comfortable going out with them because I don't drink, dance or party? I just don't know. Not to sound lame, but I guess I'll just pray about it and sak the Lord to lead me. Any insight into this would be great.....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Well I have a few things to report on. We went to see Phantom of the Opera last night at the Fox. It was my first time inside the Fox. I have to say that place is pretty amazing. The show was really good too. I have 2 obervations abou it.
1) A couple we know just got married and the theme of their wedding was Phantom of the Opera. Now, tell me, for those of you who know the story, how does that fit into a wedding ceremony?! I just don't get it.
2) One of my favorite songs from the show is "Masquerade." Some of the words just stood out to me... "Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you..." I was struk by the thougt of how true that is. I think too many times we as christians (myself included here) just try to "fit in" and be like the world. They can't look out at the party and see who's different because we're all the same. Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." I don't know...it's just a thought, something the Lord's been speaking to me about and I'm sure there's more to come in that area.
Finally, Grandma Warakomski came over last night to watch the girls while we went to Phantom. Grandma is great, I love her to death and I REALLY appreciate all the times she comes over to babysit. She just cracks me up. Last night, she was concerned that Riley's legs were cold. So I came home to this......

Now, I know some of you out there have experienced grandmas concern for cold children, even when it's 90 degress outside, so you can relate. I just thought the combo what hilarious. But hey, her legs weren't cold right?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Wow! It's been forever....I'm not too sure if it really matters. Does anyone really read this thing anyway? Well, we went to Hawaii. It was great (except for all the throwing up and other stuff). Good times, good times. Go check out the picts. mrc.coumerilh.com
All I have to say for today is that I love my husband, and my girls. I mean, I've got it good. I'm married to my best friend and have 2 of the most beautiful girls ever. I have truly been blessed by the Lord. :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Well, Madison has gotten into telling knock-knock jokes. She gets a real kick out of them. Here's how a typical one would go.
Madison: "Knock Knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Madison: "Tree"
Me: "Tree who?"
Madison: "Tree knock, knock on the door....get it?!?!"
Followed by her dying laughing. I know what you're thinking, "I don't get it..." Well, I don't either, but in the mind of a 4 yr old it must be pretty darn funny. We'll have to work on them a little I think. If anyone knows of any good knock knock jokes, please feel free to pass them on so maybe I can laugh for real next time she tells one. :)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Well yeah I haven't updated this thing in a while. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to blog about. So tonight I will share with you a funny story about our daughter Madison. We were sitting at the table eating breakfast together when she tooted (that's our family's word for fart, flatulence, fluff, whatever you want to call it). I looked up at her and she smiled real big and giggled and said "That was me." Over the next few minutes she sat there and continued tooting and laughing and each time saying "That was me..." Hilarious. We'll chalk that one up to the Coumerilh genes. The End.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I need a vacation! So, I'm a stay at home mom. I have 2 beautiful little girls who keep me on my toes. Anyone who ever says being a stay at home mom isn't work should trade places with me for a week, or even a day. I'm sure after a day of spit up, poopie diapers, crying, whining, snotty noses, finger paint, playdough and not to mention laundry, cleaning toilets and cooking, they would surely change their mind. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom but there are times that the monotony of the days just gets to me. Being a mom is not a 9-5 job. It's 24/7 with no breaks. The pay is pretty bad, the hours are horrendous, but there are some great benefits. Being there when your kid takes their first steps, watching your 3 yr old pretend she's Cinderella, and the smiles and hugs you get are great too. All I am saying is that there are times when I need a break from parenting and this is one of those times (but how can you resisit these cute little faces?).

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Well, I haven't posted much on here lately because I've been hanging out on MySpace. It's pretty cool cuz I've gotten in touch with some friends from college that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. So, if you want...go check it out. http://myspace.com/marlamaples03. I'm sorta torn between my blogger.com and myspace. I'm not sure which one I like better. I'm not sure you can even compare them though. It's kinda like trying to compare a Jack in the Box taco to a Taco Bell taco. Almost not in the same category. What do you think? ;)

Friday, January 13, 2006

What is up with the weather!? So, yesterday, it was 62 degrees and sunny. It was a great day for January, we played outside, we went for a walk, didn't have to wear a coat...but today...it's 32 degrees outside and snowing! We actually have about an inch of snow on the ground. It's craziness I tell you! Anyway, I started a new exercise program this week. It's called the Firm. My sister in law told me about it so I got it for Christmas. I've been doing pretty well. Today was my 3rd of 3 workouts for the week. The first 2 weren't so bad, but the one today kicked my butt. My thought though is, why is it when you do a workout at home you feel like such an idiot doing it. Maybe it's just me. But here I am in the privacy of my own home doing this work out and I feel like a total dork! I mean, no one is watching me (except my 3 yr old) so I have no reason to feel like a dork, but some how I do. I guess it's one of life's great mysteries. Until next time....

P.S. Check out my MySpace if you want.... www.myspace.com/marlamaples03

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year Everyone! So I'm not normally one to make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have decied to make a few. One of those is to read at least 4 books this year. I know that may sound easy for some of you, but for me it will be a feat. Right now I'm working on the first book in the Lord of the Rings series, The Fellowship of the RIng. I've only gotten through most of the first chapter. So far, so good. So...my question to all of you is, did you make a New Year's resolution, and if so, what was it?