Friday, January 13, 2006

What is up with the weather!? So, yesterday, it was 62 degrees and sunny. It was a great day for January, we played outside, we went for a walk, didn't have to wear a coat...but's 32 degrees outside and snowing! We actually have about an inch of snow on the ground. It's craziness I tell you! Anyway, I started a new exercise program this week. It's called the Firm. My sister in law told me about it so I got it for Christmas. I've been doing pretty well. Today was my 3rd of 3 workouts for the week. The first 2 weren't so bad, but the one today kicked my butt. My thought though is, why is it when you do a workout at home you feel like such an idiot doing it. Maybe it's just me. But here I am in the privacy of my own home doing this work out and I feel like a total dork! I mean, no one is watching me (except my 3 yr old) so I have no reason to feel like a dork, but some how I do. I guess it's one of life's great mysteries. Until next time....

P.S. Check out my MySpace if you want....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing! What's up with the weather? Last week it actually got down to 65 degrees. It was unbelievable! And the very next day it hit 84. This week was a totally different story. We finally got back to a more reasonable temperature or 80. I was afraid I was going to have to turn the air conditioner on or something. :)

Honolulu, HI