Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I haven't blogged in well, forever!

Hello faithful readers! Ha ha :)

Here's what's happening in my world. I am 19 weeks 6 days prego with baby #3! Tomorrow will mark the halfway point! We go in on Monday (which also happens to be Mike's bday) for our big ultrasound. Hopefully, the baby will cooperate and we'll find out wether we're having a boy or a girl.
As far as exercising goes I have not run in over a year but I am determined with this pregnancy to not gain any more than I have too! So, I have been doing a couple of prenatal exercise videos 3 times a week. So far they are going good and a good friend of mine even commented on how my legs and arms look skinner! :) I hope to keep up with the workouts until I deliver. Once the weather gets nicer I am going to mix in walking as well. The big obstacle I have at this point is food. I love food. Especially the stuff that is bad for you. Trying to concur that and only eat healthy stuff is super hard! I have my days but it is hard to break a lifetime habit of eating junk.
Anywhooo.... probably the next time I post on here will be after the baby is born - in July! :)

This is me at 17 weeks 4 days prego