Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Million and One Excuses

Well it's been a week and a half since race day and I haven't ran a day since then. Here are my excuses:
1) I needed a day or two to rest
2) Mike hurt his knee
3) My allergies turned into a sinus infection that turned into a chest cold
4) Busy weekend with Madison's birthday and Easter
5) I hurt my neck
6) I am lazy
Anyway, I really want to get back to running though. We want to run another 5k May 12th and I really would like to be able to run the whole thing this time. I"ve got a little over 4 weeks until then so that should be an attainable goal. Hopefully I won't come up with anymore excuses and the weather will get nicer between now and then. Until next time....


Suzy O. said...

What happened to mike's knee? Is he better?

mike said...

my knee? Yeah. ITBS - Iliotibal band syndrome. A long word for 'pain.' just a band that runs from your butt to the top of your shin that rubs against the outside of your knee and gets inflammed. Ibuprofen is the wonder drug of choice here.