Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First time on new course

Well we did the 3.14 miile course today. It took us 47ish minutes. Obivously we didn't run the whole thing. We ran 5 walked 5 to the 2.7 mile mark and then Mike's knee was hurting him again so we just walked the rest of the way home. I'm looking forward to the day when we can run the whole thing with out stopping and at a good pace. I put our time and distance (34 minutes at 2.7 miles) in my account at and it figured our pace at 12:32/mile. Which is only 10 seconds faster than my pace at our last 5k. Our new course is also kinda hilly in spots which makes for more work and we are pushing the jogging stroller (or "torture device" as Suzy likes to call it) so that does slow us down a bit. All in all it wasn't too bad of a run, I'm pretty tired now but looking forward to doing it again. I'm so thankful for the nice weather! :)

Me and Riley in Jail at the Botanical Gardens. :) Riley says "I didn't do it! I promise!"


Suzy O. said...

I love the kids section at the botanical gardens. They did a good job with it. I really should try to use that “torture device” more often. It would definitely make me stronger. I still have to talk with Jake for sure but I think I will do the race on May 12th. It will be good for me to put another race day on the calendar to keep me motivated.

Anonymous said...

I'm definately not going to be able to run in a 5k this time. I was supposed to run this morning but i have a sore throat and cough and ears hurt. I'm disappointed. I also wanted to go garage saling and I can't do that either. :(