Wednesday, December 21, 2005

well it's been a while since I posted. I've been a little busy lately. My grandpa passed away last monday. No surprise though. He had been fighting cancer and Alzheimer's for over a year. So, we had to go to Iowa last week for a couple days. Before all that we had planned a trip to Madison to go to a good friends graduation. So after we were in Iowa we went up to Madison for a couple days, which was fun. Since then I've been trying to do my Christmas shopping. Yeah I know I'm a last minute shopper, but it makes it more exciting that way. :) Anyway, on to more exciting things...Madison has take up intrest in our digital camera. Here are a few examples of her work.

Funny stuff.


mike said...

yeah, thanks babe, for the wonderful pick with me in it. As I recall, she took quite a few of you too, so, don't hold out on us now....give us a GOOD sample of her work. eh hmmm. ;)

Marla said...

Well I don't want to incriminate myself. Besides it's my blog I can choose to sensor it how I want! :P ha ha ha