Friday, January 26, 2007

Just a quick update. Lets see...Madison is all registered for 1/2 day kindergarten in the fall and started Ballet & Tap lessons. She loves going to dance class. It is right up her ally. Riley's new favorite word is "No". She says it all the time. Do you want to go to bed? "No". Do you want a cookie? "No." Do you want to go to Disney World? "No." She's a funny girl. She is growing like crazy and is almost running except that she gets her feet going to fast and falls. She'll get it soon enough I'm sure. Mike is in another semester of school. Only 3 semesters left (including this one)! He studied really hard all last week for his big CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Assistant) Exam. He took it on Saturday and he passed! He was super relieved and excited. It will be a good thing to have on his resume. Me, well, I'm just doing the mom thing. Not too much to report here. I (we) started training for a 5k (3.1 Miles) race that we're gonna do with some friends on April 1st. We're doing a 10 week program. It starts out slow, which is nice, walking 9 minutes - running 1 minute. You do that 3 times for a total of 30 min. Then the next week it goes up to walking 8 minutes - running 2 minutes and each week it goes up from there. We're on our second week and it's amazing how long 2 minutes of running can seem when you're so out of shape. Hopefully we'll be ready by April 1st. I'm not going for great speed I just want to finish in under 30 minutes. I really don't like or enjoy running so hopefully I won't get discouraged or bored with it. I've heard that after the first 2-3 weeks its a lot better but we'll see. Running a 5k is just something I've wanted to do for a while and I thought it would be a good goal to try to work towards. Plus Mike is doing it too and that is fun to get to do something like that with him. Anyway, I'm rambling. Until next time...wish us luck on the running.

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