Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It' been forever, I know. Here's a quick update as to what is going on in our lives.
Me: Well, I just started watching 2 little boys Mon-Fri in the afternoon. Our house has been turned upside down and I have now decided that I am fine with only ever having girls. Play practice has been going great. I have all my lines memorized, my english accent is coming along and I got all the stuff to make my costume on sunday. I'm very excited about it. I'll post picts when its finished.
Mike: Still working and doing the school thing. He figured out yesterday that he still has a year left before he can graduate. Grr.
Madison: 4 1/2 going on 16. She loves to dance and do her bella dancerella thing that my best friend got for her. She can be very emotional and dramatic at times. She loves school and comes home talking about the boys in her class more often than not...what to do about that? She is also very excited that Kaitlyn is somewhat closer and cant wait till she can have a sleepover with her.
Riley: Is WALKING! Yes folks walking is now her major mode of transportation. She thinks she's big stuff. She loves to "talk" and now her new thing is screaming. If she's happy she screams, if she's frustrated she screams, if she's bored - screams, anytime for any reason, you got it - screams.
Anywhoo...thats my life in a nut shell as of right now. Exciting I know. But life is good. Until next time.....

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